March 17, 2012


So I've been a bit absent from the internet this week - the new job combined with a commute and a half (I'll stop complaining about that bit soon I promise) renders me a zombified mess the minute I step through the door at night...not good for the creative flow.  

Thus far, a much needed day off today has been spent getting up ridiculously early and doing errands...such a glamorous life I lead.  Therefore this afternoon is dedicated to all things aesthetic, including a hair appointment in an hour and a long-awaited catch up on the blogosphere.  I cannot believe I just used that word without irony, urgh.  Oh and I definitely need to fill you in on some new loves and perhaps a new purchase too.  God bless Zara Online...

Anyway I should probably go and do something with my mop so that my stylist doesn't try and cut it into a short bob - her normal threat when I let it get into this kind of state.  Must invest in some more Moroccan Oil before she gives me a bowl cut.  

source - theyallhateus, cigarettedragsandchanelbags, amlul, amgelicablick, becauseimaddicted, afterdrk, stylebykling, thekillingmoon, googleimages

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