So my bid to not neglect this thing went well. In my defence, work's been rather exhausting this week and I haven't had my usual pattern of days off, or sleep, or food...feeling a little zoned. Is it just me or is this a rather uninspiring time of year? The sun made me want to crack out all the summery goodness I've been buying in dribs and drabs for the last few months, and yet suddenly it's not longer as exciting as it was back in February when the weather outside was frightful. I can always find something to complain about, obviously.
I've spent much of my (little) free time this week spring cleaning and generally doing things that make me feel like a mid-forties housewife, but clean room, clean mind and all that. Typically my shopping urges are refusing to acknowledge that it is now April - seriously, what's happening to time this year? - and I am still as obsessed with coats and boots as ever. Maybe once the bikini diet has taken effect my attention's will turn to shorts and sandals? Although seeing as I detest the latter, probably not...
Currently lusting after:
Pins and Needles Blazer, Urban Outfitters
Geometric print trews, Warehouse
'Moominnie' leopard flats, Office
Don't those shoes remind you of the Acne heeled version last season? I love the almond toe and I'm a sucker for anything pony-skin! Probably not three items to wear at once but I love each and every one all the same!
Oh, and obviously, there's a totally-out-of-my-price-range urge too:
Iro Brocade bomber jacket - Urban Outfitters
Curse the Gods of fine outerwear for toying with my emotions so.
Lastly, I'd like to take a moment to tell you all I still don't own a pair of Ash wedged trainers, and have instead resorted to drooling over other people's. Customers who are accosted with an overly-excited 'I LOVE your shoes' are starting to get alarmed with my greeting I fear. This obsession has really got to stop.
Over and out people, work tomorrow but a day off on Tuesday which I plan to spend brainstorming and not doing any more cleaning whatsoever. Maybe I'll just re-organise my sock drawer (kidding, why buy socks when you can buy shoes instead?!)
Happy April, fools.
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